Patient falls in nursing homes remains a serious topic. Even minor spills among older individuals sometimes lead to injuries, and sharper falls can result in long-term health complications.
Care facilities can do plenty to reduce the frequency of tumbles that happen between their walls. Implementing time-tested precautions should significantly lower the number of accidents that occur.
Health assessments
Before a future resident moves into a nursing home, proper protocol demands a thorough physical and cognitive review. Such evaluations help identify residents of higher risk, allowing for tailored care plans. Paying extra attention should be at the forefront of their care, as patients who fall have a 40% likelihood of additional accidents.
Education and training
Enlightening caregivers on fall prevention strategies should be mandatory. Everyone working directly with residents must understand the importance of preventing tumbles and be adept at spotting perilous situations.
Safe environments
It is incumbent on nursing homes to make sure residents are living in spaces that are free of danger. They must offer clutter-free walkways and proper lighting, not to mention flat rugs and carpets that no one will trip over.
Mobility aids
Balance tools, such as walkers and canes, are great at aiding patient stability, but only when they are in solid working condition. Staff should regularly check these items to ensure they do not have any obvious flaws.
Fall alarms and monitoring systems
It remains prudent for nursing homes to install technologies that alert workers every time a resident attempts to get out of bed or moves around without supervision. When nurses receive timely notifications, it creates an opportunity for intervention that could head off disaster.
Nursing homes have a responsibility to mitigate patient injury as best they can. Care facilities improve the lives of residents when fall prevention becomes an integral part of their services.