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The bedsore risk for nursing home residents

Not many things are more disheartening for Maryland families than to detect the presence of bedsores on a loved one who is in a nursing home. These sores also go by the names decubitus ulcer and pressure sores.

Bedsores can cause severe discomfort and can become life-threatening in some cases. People who understand the symptoms and causes of bedsores will have a better chance of protecting their loved ones from them.

Risk factors

Neglect and inadequate care are common forms of nursing home abuse. These are also the likely culprits when a resident develops bedsores.

Many nursing home residents suffer from mobility issues. They depend on nursing home staff to help them move around the facility, travel to and from the bathroom, and perform other daily functions. Residents with mobility issues may not leave their beds but will still need a staff member to help them change positions from time to time. The likelihood of bedsores increases when nursing home staff members are not attentive to patient mobility issues.

Residents suffering from poor nutrition and dehydration are also more susceptible to bedsores. Sufficient fluids and nutritional foods are needed to protect the skin from the effects of constant pressure.

Nursing home residents suffering from conditions that affect blood flow will experience bedsores more than other residents. Nursing home staff should take extra precautions when dealing with patients with conditions like vascular disease and diabetes.


Bedsores can surface in as little as a few hours or take days to develop. These sores will often heal without much complication if the patient receives proper care in a timely fashion. But some bedsores linger indefinitely.

The first sign of bedsore may be a bit of swelling. Changes to the color or texture of the skin are also common. The affected area may be tender to the touch and feel either warmer or cooler than other areas. Pus discharge is also possible. The heels, tailbone, ankles, and hips represent areas of the body commonly affected by bedsores.

Allowing a family member to live in a nursing home is never an easy decision. But families will feel better knowing the needs of their loved ones receive the proper attention. People who feel that their relative suffered neglect or abuse may want to discuss the situation with an attorney.