When you visit a store or go to any type of business, you are likely not expecting that to be a dangerous or risky endeavor. You probably do not think about how simply running errands or doing something as simple as grocery shopping could result in your injury, but...
Personal Injury
Understanding the basics of personal injury in Maryland
Personal injury is one of the most complex areas of laws to decipher, but it plays a crucial role in maintaining wellness and safety throughout daily life. The reason personal injury claims exist is to make it a civil duty and legal obligation to avoid causing harm to...
How dangerous is texting while walking?
Smartphones and apps can be addictive, tempting you to check your phone even when crossing the street. Though it does not seem like it, walking requires your brain’s full attention. You need to look where you are going, move around any obstacles and control your feet...
Slip-and-fall injuries and losses
People can fall anywhere at any time, and they may suffer severe injuries upon impact with the ground. A person could trip in front of a neighbor's house, or a worker might fall at a Maryland job site. Sometimes, negligence factors into the incident, which could open...
Fractures and the elderly
Families in Baltimore County and across the state of Maryland demonstrate concern about the care their loved ones receive in nursing homes. Bone fractures occur in large numbers, and families want answers. Common injuries from nursing home falls include broken ankles,...
Liability for a slip and fall in Maryland
Slips and falls are common occurrences in both public and private places in Maryland. In fact, they are the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. When slips and falls happen, there is often confusion about who is liable for the injuries that result....
Spinal stenosis after a car accident
Many victims of Maryland motor vehicle accidents feel pain in their backs and necks after the mishaps. The pain results from the force of the impact, even if the accident wasn't severe. Many injuries have a delayed onset of symptoms, making it important for accident...
What should I do if my loved one falls in their nursing home?
If your loved one is among the more than 24,000 older adults currently in a nursing home in Maryland, your expectation is that they will be well cared for during their stay. You probably helped make arrangements, chose the facility or talked to others who stayed...
How can reckless driving lead to a car accident?
Reckless driving can seriously impact the lives of Maryland residents. Drivers who engage in this bad habit can put others at risk due as it can more easily lead to cat accidents. What is reckless driving? Reckless driving is a dangerous behavior that puts everyone...
Don’t confuse nursing home neglect with patient dementia
Many injuries received by nursing home patients in Maryland are written off as the effects of dementia. The patients may be unable to care for themselves and thus prone to harm themselves in a variety of ways. In some cases, this is true. But it's also true that...