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Winter cycling safety in Baltimore

Cycling in winter can be daunting. With the cold weather and snow on the ground, you can end up with frostbite, hypothermia, or getting hit by a car — not to mention an uncomfortable bike ride. Here are some tips for staying safe when riding your bike in winter.

Be visible

Cyclists can be invisible to drivers in bad weather. Using rear lights, front lights, and reflectors during the day and night will help you keep safe on the road. In snowy conditions, we recommend a flashing red light to stand out.

Dress warmly

When the temperature gets colder, you can get hypothermia if you are not dressed well enough. Also, the longer you are outside, the easier it is for your body to cool down. This can lead to frostbite and other injuries if that happens. Being dressed warmly will help guard against these injuries.

Studded tires

Many cyclists invest in studded tires at this time of year. They’re a good solution for better traction in most conditions, as well as helping to prevent slips. You can also use tire liners. These are softer than studded tires and will help add grip to your tires when it’s slippery.

Safety kit

Preparedness means having a safety kit with you at all times. This will include tools, a first aid kit, and a repair kit. For example, be ready if you get a flat tire and need to fix it quickly or get seriously injured.

Keep in mind

Cycling in the winter can be beautiful and enjoyable. Always dress warmly and be seen, have a safety kit, and invest in some studded winter tires if you can. You’ll be more comfortable and possibly even safer on the bike this winter. With these tips and a little good fortune, you will enjoy a comfortable and injury-free winter.