We all know that our roadways are dangerous. After all, we live in one of the most congested and traveled areas of the country. Though, even if we know about the dangers, we likely do not think of those dangers as deadly. Unfortunately, a recent fatal pedestrian accident is another reminder that the dangers on the road can be deadly.
The fatal pedestrian accident
According to the U.S. Park Police Department, the fatal pedestrian accident happened around 4:30 a.m. Tuesday morning on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Prince George’s County, Maryland, just after the Maryland Route 202 exit in Cheverly. The local woman was struck in the northbound lane, and she died soon after.
After the accident
As a result of the accident, police shut down the Baltimore-Washington Parkway for about four hours while police investigated the accident. The U.S. PPD are still trying to determine how the pedestrian accident occurred and who is at fault. Any witnesses or those with dashboard camera footage are encouraged to contact the U.S. PPD immediately.
Options for victims
Of course, the facts of this case are yet to be determined, but any Towson, Maryland, and Baltimore County resident, including pedestrians, can hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions. This means that those injured as a result of the negligence of another driver can file a personal injury lawsuit against that negligent driver. And, if the victim passes, the family of that victim can still seek civil justice through a wrongful death lawsuit. Though, contacting an attorney immediately is the first step. Of course, this will not stop the pain, but it will at least offer some semblance of closure.