Most persons knowledgeable about motor vehicle accidents believe that when a car and a truck collide, the car will suffer the greater degree of damage and that its occupants will correspondingly suffer a greater injury. A recent multi-vehicle accident near Dayton, Maryland tends to provide evidence to support this belief.
The accident
At about 2:47 p.m. EST, police were alerted to an accident on Maryland Route 32 just north of Linden Church Road. Police who responded said that six vehicles were involved. The accident sequence began when a northbound Ford pickup traveling north on Route 32 crossed the centerline and struck an oncoming dump truck. The dump truck then crossed the center line and struck a Chevrolet pickup.
The Ford pickup continued to travel into oncoming traffic, where it slammed into an automobile head-on. The driver of the automobile died at the scene. A passenger in the car was taken to a Shock Trauma unit, where she was reported to be in critical condition. A Jeep SUV behind the automobile hit both the car and the Ford pickup truck. A Toyota SUV was struck by one of the other vehicles, but police did not identify the vehicle. No other injuries were reported by the police. The police are continuing their investigation.
The two individuals hospitalized with serious injuries may have claims for a substantial amount of damages, depending upon the nature and extent of their injuries. The family of the man who died in the accident may have a claim for wrongful death damages against all parties who may be determined to be at fault. The driver of the Ford pickup truck appears to bear the greatest share of fault based on preliminary reports of the accident, but further investigation may show that other vehicles were speeding or violating other traffic laws.
Anyone who has been injured or lost a loved one in a similar accident may wish to pursue a claim for damages. The best place to start is the office of an experienced accident attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer can evaluate the evidence, suggest legal arguments to support a claim, and provide an estimate of the damages that may be recovered.