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4 ways to protect yourself from summer motorcycle hazards

Now that summer is here to stay, temporarily that is, you probably want to savor the season with as many motorcycle rides as possible. Even though a clear day may appear to be perfect for a long ride, it’s important refresh your bike and your skills and understand dangers of summer heat.

Here are some ways to prepare for summer motorcycle riding:

  1. Service your ride: A regular tune-up after not using any motor vehicle for several months is always a good idea. Whether you plan to do this yourself or at your local shop, it’s important to perform a thorough check. Topping of the fluids, checking the battery and inspecting and inflating tires are just a few functions you should double-check before hitting the road.
  2. Hydrate yourself: Although New Jersey isn’t a desert state, you can still develop heat exhaustion. The second you sense an onset of fatigue, nausea or dizziness, you should pull over. Motorcycle riding requires your full attention, which is impossible if your body isn’t cooperating. To prevent heat exhaustion, you should drink water before heading out, rehydrate as needed, and opt for breathable fabrics when dressing for your ride.
  3. Dress properly: In addition to choosing moisture-wicking clothing over a full leather get-up, your riding attire should also include fluorescent and reflective elements. New Jersey motorists don’t share the road with motorcyclists many months of the year, so any splash of color can help serve as a warning of your presence and prevent collisions.
  4. Take a refresher course: Lastly, whether you are a new or seasoned rider you should make sure you remember how to operate your bike with a refresher course or self-test. You can take your bike to a vacant lot and do a few laps, turns, and weave in between lines to help you warm up after not riding for a while.

No matter how short or long you want to spend riding this summer, it’s crucial you don’t skimp out on taking the time to prepare your ride or yourself for the season ahead.